Bare Contortionists at Dinner
Q:It is my understanding that you have { nude } contortionists perform in your diners while people are eating.
Is this true?
-- "Don G. B."
Only if you're very very very lucky.
And you send us a very very very big check.
Wrong business model.
More seriously (but only a little bit) while I have personally experienced such things at dinner, it is my belief that the management of the restaurant I was in did not in fact pay my date to go sans trouser.
What can I say.
Drinking in moderation is lost on some people.
~The QB
*The opinions of the queen bee do not in any way represent HipGuide Inc. or's opinions on nude contortionists, nudity at dinner, nudity in general, dining, drinking, dating with or without trousers. As always, HipGuide Inc. or advises you to do things only in moderation, do only legal things and behave responsibly.