6623 Hollywood Boulevard
323 465 3336

David Judaken (of Garden of Eden)'s new club Mood transforms a former office building into what Angelenos might think the South Pacific would look like. If there were trumpet and bongo players and panty- clad go- go dancers writhing in a bamboo, batik and carved wood "temple" that is. Supposed to be the source of conflict between "debauchery and religion", one can't help but wonder if the artisans from Bali knew that the Shivas would be sitting on either side of a bar? Running the somewhat inauthentic but not cheesy at all, posh place is Pavlos Francis (Las Vegas' Mix) who oversees the Wednesday through weekend crowd. Call ahead for your night because the crowd varies tremendously from Top 40 to Michael Sutton's celebs to the regular R&B night.


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