Beauty Bar 517 Fremont Street 702 598 1965 With Beauty Bars in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, it was inevitable that owner Paul Devitt would find himself and his spot in downtown Las Vegas. Hes imported over- sized hair dryers and cutting chairs from where else? Trenton, New Jersey, the place that practically invented big hair. But true to Sin City, Devitt has gone all tourista with Beauty Bar merch caps, T-shirts for people and their dogs. Fully bouffant, fully plastic, fully kitsch; bring your curlers and join the vodka sloshing fun for their Manicure- Martini happy hour, complete with local DJs. |
Beauty Bar Caramel Bar Foundation Room GhostBar Light Lure Noir Bar Peppermill Fireside Lounge Red Square SRO Cafe Tabu V Bar Whiskey Sky
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