This Week's HipBites
Three Summer Trends
If Dante was right, "the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of moral
crisis remain neutral", then after this election year, hell will be emptier than a bad B & T bar.
In a year where everyone is in a party not just at a party (some Democrats, some Republicans,
some in the "Anyone but Bush" party), from film to games, politics is "it."
With supporters such as Tim Robbins, Glenn Close and Mike Myers,
Fahrenheit 911, Michael Moore's first flick since Bowling For Columbine is
decidely rolling against Bush.
Having won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, the film which had a
premiere in two New York City theatres last night,
two days prior to the film’s national rollout, lambasts Bush in a way never seen before.
And though he didn't make it
to party with us at Marquee after, Clinton popped out of the audience to praise
The Hunting of the President, a movie about what filmmakers Nickolas
Perry and Harry Thomason call a political smear campaign against the former prez.
Even fantasy league game types can get in the mix as computer game
The Political Machine allows players to pit
real life and past life candidates against each other.
Check out:
the bizarre dodgeball trend...
Dodgeball, the sick, sadistic game so beloved by elementary school bullies the world over
- is back to haunt adults.
If it was the bane of your childhood existence, boy are you going to have nightmares now.
From the world's largest dodgeball arena, sized 40 feet by 20 feet, (inaugurated in
NYC's Times Square on Good Morning America and now residing at Chelsea Piers)
to the new Ben Stiller - Vince Vaughn movie, one can't escape the
return of this game. From the intramural dodgeball league
at the University of Colorado to the club at Kent State University in Ohio,
the trend is spreading
faster than you can leap to the other side of the gym. GSN's Extreme Dodgeball,
an original series on the network for games, is
even sponsored by Coca-Cola.
Check out:
The National Amateur Dodgeball Association Outdoor Nationals July 23-24
If you asked us, we'd tell you "raw" is either:
a. an adjective used by the WWF
b. what happens to your bits when you forget to wear panties
c. the stage of steak before "rare"
These days however it refers to the crunchy, vegan movement of not heating up
anything you eat past 100 degrees (or 118 depending who you ask.)
And while we're the kind of eaters who
even boil water in case it's unsanitary, the celebs disagree with us.
Woody Harrelson, Demi Moore, Bryan Adams, Alicia Silverstone, and Robin Williams have all jumped
aboard, Oprah has featured it on her show, and Chicago chef Charlie Trotter wrote a
cookbook called "Raw" with Cali restaurant owner Roxanne Klein.
Now Matthew Kenney, Jeffrey Chodorow and Sarma Melngailis have a new spot in NYC just for those jonesing for high-end
raw eats.
Word to the wise:
Nuts are heavily used in raw food recipes - and we don't mean those excessively crunchy loony tunes!
Tuesday I stopped by Pierre Battu's French Tuesdays party for the French Music Festival.
I never recommend events so you know its inclusion in this
HipBites means that I was impressed. Cute cute cute crowd.
Three time Grammy nominee Angelique Kidjo signing her new CD .
5 different bands. Personalised, laminated VIP cards. All around a class act.
Maybe I'll see you at the next one: www.frenchtuesdays.com
Love & honey
above: the movie poster for Michael Moore's new incendiary political flick