This Week's HipBites
Clothing Saved the Electroclash Star
American Idol my patootie. Can we say "generic" boys and girls? The most under- exposed but possibly quickest road to musical fame isn't the WB. We think it's U Music and Diesel's little known 2nd search for new musicians. (It's so underground they don't even know we're writing about it.) BEFORE you get all up in arms about it being commercial cause it's Diesel, the clothing label known for self promotion didn't even make this obvious on their site.
We stumbled across this star-making vehicle while anonymously checking out Diesel's new curator for their denim gallery (and boy is he cute!).
Musicians in each of the areas of Rock. Dance, Electronica, Urban and Cutting Edge (that's Electroclash to you neophytes) can enter online
at Diesel-U-Music.com. Then a record label & a music mag in each category such as Vice and Arena in Rock discover a new musical talent. (Since Diesel never claimed to be good at EVERYTHING)
Half the battle is getting your demo tape listened to and that door's knocked down. Three of last year's winners already have a recording contract. The real thing. Not some sissified Moment Like This crap.
Check it out, even if you are tone deaf like us. You spent all that wasted time watching Pop Stars, didn't you? And did you hear anything worthy? Maybe now you'll be the first to know about the next Fischerspooner.
p.s. we rolled on the floor laughing when we heard that Zima is a sponsor. Now we know the musicians won't be soused when playing. And that they will need plenty of Porto Potties.
above: last year's musicians on stage
KENNETH COLE's sexy ribbed boot topped VOGUE's October Checklist and is a bit Bond, a bit city and flying out the door. A certain number are on hold for HipGuide readers at Manhattan Kenneth Cole stores. Check it out at KennethCole.com.
For those readers who pick up the Hot Wire boot (or other select items over $200) in Kenneth Cole stores, they will receive a FREE copy of the hot pink, coffee-table book SEX & THE CITY...KISS AND TELL, foreword by SARAH JESSICA herself (You must bring in this email). Both items extremely limited supply.