This Week's HipBites
To Give Is Truly Divine
Being hip is not about being the actor who knocks Hayden Christiansen off the most-wanted list in Hollywood nor about being the VIP guest at Alexander McQueen's party.
The most hip thing you can do is give back. Seeing as how it's the anniversary of 9-11, we thought we'd do the research for you and highlight several organisations really worthy of your time.
(p.s. if you unsubscribe THIS week, we'll KNOW you're heartless!)
Why do these non-profits make the HipList?
1. You can see a tangible difference.
2. A low percentage of each dollar donated goes to admin costs.
3. They don't spend massive amounts on marketing so except for one charity, you won't have heard of them.
4. None of them are only about writing a check! (though cold hard cash is always good!)
Wheelchair Foundation
Their mission is to give a wheelchair to any child, woman, man who needs one. Their administration costs are $0 because their founder Kenneth Behring pays for it all- from stamps to pens. A wheelchair costs $150. So if you donate that, guess what, you just made someone mobile. If you can only give $75, the Rotary International (yes, as in Rotary Club), will match it.
That's less than the cost of dinner for 2 at Blue Ribbon.
it's hip to make a person self- reliant (wheelchairfoundation.org)
You spent millions on Hooked on Phonics and the Princeton Review, but in 1/5th of the world which is in China, little kids have nowhere to go to school let alone learn how to read, speed read or read backwards. Forget about those crazy late night infomercials. This org actually goes to China and builds those schools. Period. Nothing political, nor goverment-related nor religious. Just one yuppie food stamp ($20) is the actual cost to send a little girl to school for a year. If you REALLY want to get involved and can afford the trip, occasionally Zigen treks into rural China - you can meet the kids & SEE the schools your money bought.
it's hip to teach a little girl to read (zigen.org)
Gilda's Club
It isn't only about the research or the person who is sick. Cancer is also about the spirit. And the family that's affected and doesn't know what to do. $250 will give a group of children a session that teaches them how to cope with cancer in their family, and the clubhouse to go to, where it doesn't feel like an institutional hospital.
That's the price of your Saturday morning golf at Winged Foot Country Club.
it's hip to give a family the support to fight cancer (gildasclub.org)
Make A Wish
Sick kids. Matched to their wishes. Yes, we know you know. But did you know you can give your airline miles to make a child's travel wish come true? It costs you nothing.
You do not need to go to Ibiza again- your liver can't afford it. Quick, before those miles expire.
it's hip to give a trip for a sick child, at zero cost to you (wish.org)
Patch Adams
Lost the message in the middle of the Hollywood film with Robin Williams? Cliffnotes for you: Free hospital care for those who can't afford it. Founded by Patch Adams. A hospital bed costs $600 a day! In some places, that's a mortgage!
Or it's those Christian Louboutin boots you wanted. Lose the extravagance.
it's hip to give hospital care to a person who needs it (friendsforthefuture.org)
Not a late night infomercial, but a charity that needs your rattling change. Zigen.org aboveCONGRATULATIONS! to Werner Brell, the 2nd of 3 winners of the Charles Schilling CD, & Maria Marinho, Joanna Vorachek, 2 of the 3 winners of the Janice Dickinson book we gave away!
Just a note to answer a readers question, when we do a Giveaway, IF your name is drawn, we send you a personal email letting you know. There is nothing scary about claiming your goody. There is no catch (well, we'd tell you first anyway!) We'll then ask for your address for the mailing label so we can SHIP to you! It's not stored, it's not kept, the publicist who writes your label is too busy to spam you! We promise! They're free goodies for being part of the HipSet!! An UNHIP FRIEND killin your mojo? Get them to SIGN UP FOR HipBites