This Week's HipBites
Model Behaviour
Is Amanda going to become a gal who doesn't have to get out of bed for less than $10k a day? She's the new face we discovered last week during our model search for Giorgio Armani Cosmetics and ID Models (that's Amanda, pictured at right).
What does it take to be a model?
Vogue covers? 20 years of drugs? Dates with perenially single men like Jack Nicholson and Mick Jagger? Near fatal car wrecks? If supermodel Janice Dickinson's life is any indication... hedonism and life on the edge all around. Well, the beige-ing of the world's Studio 54 days may have made the model world safer for teens, but that doesn't make this new autobiography any less interesting. No shy wallflower, in her new book, Janice Dickinson hurls the stories like flying stilletos you have to duck.
The party icons of the 70s are either (a.) dead or (b.) yuppies. You try and get Ian Schrager to dish dirt this good. From the first chapter of her new self-promotionally titled "No Lifeguard on Duty: The Accidental Life of the World's First Supermodel", where she talks about how she'd pray that her Coast Guard father would get dragged off to "some remote hellhole, where he'd fall overboard in a storm and get eaten by a shark", Janice's life is in your face like a handbag on a crowded rush hour subway.
She lambasts Calvin Klein's instruction telling her not to think. Booze. Dish about Sylvester Stallone and Warren Beatty. Self-destruction. Partying with Gia Carangi, the iconic model lost to drugs. Who knows how she found time for work, but sandwiched in are the campaigns for Max Factor and Hush Puppies. It's all here.
Just because we didn't pick your mug last week, launching your supermodel days, doesn't mean you need to shed tears. Redirect your fascination with modeling as 3 HipGuide readers will win a copy of Janice Dickinson's book "No Lifeguard on Duty".(randomly drawn next week).
If you aren't 1 of the lucky 3, get your Labour Day reading at:
Janice's memoir on Amazon
Can she hack it? The girl we chose from the Giorgio Armani Cosmetics/ID Models events last week, winner Amanda WiegersCONGRATULATIONS! to Karen Marin, the 1st of 3 winners of the Charles Schilling CD we gave away last week.
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